Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Weird Al Rocks

Not a whole lot to say from today. I met the Dolci's (family friends from home) in the Vatican museums and showed them around for a bit, followed by gelato and photos in St. Peter's. It was fun to see them and I always like showing off my stomping grounds. I got home around 6:30, and left to play soccer at 7. I had an alright game. I let in four goals, but the other goalie let in five, so I have that going for me. The Italians agreed that three of the four weren't my fault (one went into the upper right corner, but was shot from the other side of the field, one involved a collison, and one got redirected by my own team) but one was my bad. I had a lot of fun, but unfortunately it was the last game of the season, so I'll have to find other ways to improve.

I am traveling this weekend, so this is fair warning I won't be posting Friday, Saturday and maybe Sunday. To maintain you in my absence, and to have a shameless plug, I want to direct you all to a recent youtube video. To the editors of my papers, to the professors who scoffed at my essays, to everyone who took a red pen to my work, this one is for you. I've made a lot of these mistakes, and the legendary Weird Al combines my recurring grammar problems with a catchy tune to sum up the status of the English language, and perhaps even the American population. If you get bored with this song, Weird Al is coming out with a new album, with a daily music video to celebrate. Check out my favorite one so far here:

I might post tomorrow, might not, whatever happens, be sure to keep it real. I'll see you on Monday.

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