Monday, September 22, 2014

The Blog Posts are coming, the blog posts are coming

So I'm back at the blogger's desk, after a lengthy hiatus. I've been pretty busy at school, and I spend a lot of my free time hanging with all the new friends I'm making. I also am much more limited in the amount of day to day adventures I'm allowed to have, so life is pretty routine here. Give you an idea of my weekly schedule:

M- 8-8:30 Breakfast, 8:30 field trip, 1-1:45 lunch, 2-3:30 Greek class, 5:30-7 Latin class, 7:30 dinner
T- 8-8:30 breakfast, 8:30- 7:00 field trip, 7:30 dinner
W- Internship (more on this in upcoming posts) 8:30-12:30, ultimate frisbee in afternoon, dinner at 7:30
R- same as Monday's schedule
F- Whole day free

It doesn't seem like a lot, but we keep busy. After dinner is usually always hw, then cards and socializing, so the time I was using for blogging is occupied with making friends. I'm hoping to get in a routine, so if I can take 10 minutes to post daily, instead of 2 hours to post once a week, everyone wins. We'll see how this goes. In the meantime, some random photos I've acquired in our expeditions:

I still have no idea what he's looking at
If you ever take up sculpting, never make it boring

Questions? Fire away in the comments section. Also huge shout out to the Turks and Romanians reading my blog despite the inactivity. You the real MVPs


  1. The tomb paintings remind me of what we've seen in Egypt.
    I think the creature on the mantle must be watching for a mouse or something else edible.
    Is the first photo of distant Rome? I can tell you're in a different area than this summer.
    In the last photo, was the lower level excavated from beneath the road above or is it not ancient at all?

  2. Nice to hear from you, Tom. Hope you can get into a routine that will enable you to post now and then. We enjoy your blog and appreciate being included in your adventures! Take care.

  3. The first photo is on top of the Villa Aurelia, near the summit of the Janiculum hill, a mansion that is now rented out by the American Academy. The last one is kind of misleading, in that it's a nymphaium (temple of the Nymphs) which was at a different museum in Rome. I don't know if they excavated it, or if the owners of the land of the museum have had it preserved for generations.
