Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Don't Call it a Comeback

Hey gang I'm back and better than ever. I leave today for Rome by way of London and will be back in the Eternal City by 6 pm their time, or noon EST. I move in Thursday and begin classes on Monday, with the weekend to settle in between now and then. Should be fun, but I'm inexplicably anxious. I'm sure I'll be fine once I get into the pool, but for right now I'm still trying to dip my toes in the water. Below I'm attaching pictures from a beach day mom and I did, so you can all see the Atlantic Ocean in action. That's all for now, but please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I travel today and I'll soon have posts being cranked out for you to read and keep track of my adventures. Peace, love and catch you on the flip side.
This is using snapchat. Get at me at thite007. If none of this caption makes sense, don't worry about it
Kid was a stud, rocking the red hat. He's going to have a tough time keeping the ladies off him


  1. Enjoyed our day at Popham Beach and the lobsters we had for dinner!
    Safe journey across the pond and a happy return to the Eternal City.

  2. If folks here in Maine are fortunate enough to get a moose permit in the annual lottery, nothing will keep them from going after "their" moose. Additional signs in small businesses will be turning up soon: "Closed for the annual moose hunt. Sorry for any inconvenience."
