Monday, October 6, 2014

Another Week in the Books

So I'm back at the blog again. Let's say hypothetically I'll get two posts a week in. Monday nights are a fairly safe time to assume I'll be posting, and then maybe Thursday nights, depending on the shenanigans that go on. Come back every Tuesday and check in, if you're still trying to follow this and keep up with my adventures.

Last week was a bit of a rough week in terms of social stuff and some academic problems that arose. No sense crying over spilled milk, but I'm glad that we're on to new and better things. The gloves have finally come off for school work, and from now until the end of the semester I seem to have two major assignments (papers, reports, tests) a week. For only three classes, that seems to be a bunch. Thursday we went to a museum, Friday I hung out, Saturday we went to some churches, Sunday I spent all day writing essays, today was a school today, and that's what I've been up to. Now some pictures!

I am just a poor boy though my stories often told 
One of the guys in our program, found a relative
Augustus Prima Porta, one of the other famous statues of the greatest of the Roman emperors
Shrine dedicated to the Roman Revolution (circa 1800s) near the centro
Bridge crossing to Tiber River
Went lone wolf mode, wandered from the group, and found this gem off the beaten path


  1. Hang in there. Relief is on the way soon.

  2. A month into the experiement challenges are bound to surface. Stay strong, focused, and know that you are loved. Do what you can with the blog but don't stress over it.
