Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Just Another Day in the Life of a Boy

Mi dispiace, but I'm going to bed. Private session in the Sistine chapel, dashing through St. Mark's cathedral, serving a Cardinal mass, dinner in the Greek and Roman antiquities session, 10+ miles walking and a 15 hour day have me exhausted. I have plenty of photos and stories to tell, but I have the joy of doing this all over again tomorrow starting at 7 am, so I'm going to catch some zs and save the story telling for tomorrow. Thanks for understanding and much love.


  1. Hope you don't have too many days in a row like this one! If some activities are optional, take a "bye" if you need a break. Don't worry about the blog; take care of yourself first! We are patient. Love you! Mom

  2. Livin' the dream. You've served for a priest, a bishop and now a Cardinal. Only one more level to go. And this is only the second day!

    Love you,
